Canyoning pour les plus sportifs et aguéris.


After Angon Performance if you want more, you’ll like this one! The start is higher, more and higher abseiling down, 200 ft! Caution, you have to:

  • be easy with the heigh
  • be able to abseil down yourself
  • be in a good physical shape To get to the start to options:
  • 30mn walking
  • car shuttle 3 people minimum / groups

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Individual price / person 79.00 €
6+ pers Group - fee / person 74.00 €

Useful informations

Ages 14+ year old people
Approach walk 00 : 35
Return walk 00 : 05
Equipment Checklist
  • Sneakers
  • Bottle of water
  • Swimsuit
  • Jump
  • Abseiling
  • Waterslide
When May at October
Where Haute Savoie
Area Lyon / Annecy / Chambéry / Geneva
Mountain range Tournette

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We’ll do our best to satisfied you wishes, then, for any special requests, please fill up the contact form above or let's call.


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Must-do near Angon Canyon Integral

canyon à la cascade d'Angon

Our fav’. Starting from a footbridge, Argon Perf is a sporty one. Diversified of waterfalls, abseiling down, water slides, siphons!! Not a simple one!

From 60.00 €
Canyoning Montmin

Get fresh during the hottest period! A dream you can afford from July to September. Jumps and water slides for 3,5 hours!! Let's go!

From 60.00 €
Angon Canyon discovery

The one and only, the most classic Discovery Canyon, at the edge of Annecy Lake, 30mn from Geneva. Beginners will enjoy it: it's uick, 2.5 hours, it's funny: abseiling down, water slides and beautiful environment.

From 50.00 €
Angon Winter Canyon

Winter Angon Discovery, you’ll be equipped with drysuits to remain insulated and relatively warm.

From 69.00 €
Zig Zag route

It is THE most accessible long route above Annecy Lake. A climbing day on a 600 ft long route on a beautiful limestone and big gentle holds.

From 300.00 €
Thônes - Via ferrata

This Via Ferrata goes through 3 parts with increasing level, but you’ll be able to escape at the start of each of the section and maybe your Guide will help if he’s awake!!

From 64.00 €