Terms of Sales

Absolutely! Here is the translated content with the markdown preserved for easy copy-pasting:

A. General Terms and Conditions of Sale

  1. Preamble
  2. Order, Validation, and Order Confirmation
  3. Prices
  4. Payment Terms and Methods
  5. Delivery
  6. Withdrawal
  7. Gift Vouchers
  8. Terms of Use for SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE Products and Liability
  9. Restrictions
  10. Adherence to Appointment Times
  11. Caution Against Thefts in Car Parks
  12. Cancellations / Modifications
  13. Insurance
  14. Non-conformity
  15. Force Majeure
  16. Data Protection
  17. Intellectual Property Rights
  18. Complaints - Mediation - Dispute
  19. Souvenir Photos
  20. Carpooling Option (free)

B. Legal Information

Privacy Policy

1. Preamble

1.1. Definitions

Seller: this term refers to VERTICAL AVENTURE, the trade name of the company SAS Vertical Aventure - 75 rue du lavoir - 38570 TENCIN - France Tel.: 0663703625 Fax: 0972277511 SAS Vertical Aventure with a capital of 3000 euros 793354986 RCS GRENOBLE Youth and Sports Establishment No. 03813ET0239 National Education Agreement No. EPSESC06061600033, which has the corporate purpose of organizing leisure, sports, and recreational activities.

Manager BLANCHARD Mathieu, 75 rue du lavoir 38570 TENCIN

Insurer: MAIF Mutual Insurance Company with Variable Contributions CS 90000 - 79038 Niort Cedex 9 Company governed by the Insurance Code.

Buyer: this term refers to the contracting party who has ordered or acquired a Gift Voucher or Voucher or sports service for a scheduled date. The Buyer may or may not be the Beneficiary of the Gift Voucher or activity depending on whether they use it personally or gift it to a third party.

Activity: refers to an à la carte activity chosen on the Site and sent or not in the form of an undated Gift Voucher without face value and non-nominative and a description of the chosen activity.

Booking: Refers to the online booking system for certain Activities – specifically designated “Activities with Booking”, offered by SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE on the Site. Please note that Activities with Booking are dated and therefore by definition do not have a Usage Deadline as defined above.

Credit: credit issued by the Seller on the customer account of the Buyer or the Beneficiary upon a request for exchange made according to the conditions of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale. This credit can be used in one or more instances during a fixed period, mentioned on the customer account of the Buyer or the Beneficiary, on the website www.vertical-aventure.com for the purchase of Products, with the exception of Products exclusively marketed in physical version.

Beneficiary: refers to the person holding the Gift Voucher or the scheduled service.

Gift Voucher: refers to the Gift Voucher contained in SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE Products, which is handed over by the Beneficiary to the Partner as payment for the Service chosen on the website www.vertical-aventure.com, or which allows for the payment of the Service by simply presenting its number. The Gift Voucher may also take the form of an electronic ticket or a gift card.

Usage Deadline: Date shown on the Gift Voucher indicating to the Buyer/to the Beneficiary the deadline until which they can benefit from a Service/proceed with an exchange under the conditions specified in article 7.

Party (ies): refers jointly or separately to the Buyer and/or Beneficiary and the Seller.

Service: refers to the Service or product provided by Vertical Aventure to the benefit of the Beneficiary in exchange for the presentation of the Gift Voucher.

Product(s): Refers to the Activity, the Gift Voucher, the Purchase Voucher. When the Gift Voucher corresponds to an electronic ticket sent by email to the Buyer or Beneficiary, it will be specified that these are Products in electronic version.

Site: refers to the SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE website: www.vertical-aventure.com

Purchase Voucher: Purchase voucher of a predefined amount delivered dematerialized in the form of a code or materialized in the form of a card and allowing the purchase of one or more SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE Products on the site www.vertical-aventure.com within the limit of a predefined amount and validity period. Purchase Vouchers are neither exchangeable nor extendable.

1.2. Purpose of the contract

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale and warranties (hereinafter "GTC") aim to define the terms and conditions under which the Seller offers the marketing of Products to Buyers.

As a result, any order by the Buyer implies their unconditional acceptance and full and entire adherence to these GTC, which prevail over any other document, except for specific conditions expressly consented to in writing by the Seller.

The Buyer acknowledges having read the GTC prior to placing their order.

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale come into effect as of January 01, 2017. They cancel and replace all previous versions.

The Seller reserves the right to modify these GTC at any time by publishing a new version on the Site. In case of modification of the GTC, the applicable GTC are those in effect on the date of the order of which a copy provided to the Buyer accompanies the confirmation letter of their order.

The nullity of a clause of these GTC does not entail the nullity of the entire GTC. The temporary or permanent non-application of one or more clauses of the GTC by the Seller shall not constitute a waiver on its part of the other clauses of the GTC which continue to produce their effects.

The photos present on the Site have no contractual value.

2. Order Procedures and Modalities

The Buyer may place an order either online on the website www.vertical-aventure.com or by phone.

2.1. On the website: www.vertical-aventure.com

Any order for a Product offered on the Site presupposes the consultation and express acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, without this acceptance being conditioned by a handwritten signature on the part of the Buyer.

The ordering process on the Site is subject to strict adherence to the procedure described below

. It is formalized online through a succession of different screens indicating the various phases that the Buyer must follow to validate their order with the Seller.

2.1.1. Product Selection

To place an order on the Site, the Buyer must choose a Product by navigating on the Site. Once this choice is made, they will click on the "Add to cart" or "Order" button.

If the Buyer wishes to proceed directly with the online reservation of their Activity, they must tick the "Book now" box and then fill in the fields "desired date", "chosen activity", "number of people".

Online booking will only be possible with payment by Credit Card, check, or bank transfer

2.1.2. Cart Verification

The Buyer will then need to check the contents of their cart (or continue their selection if they wish to add Products) and choose, if possible, a Product in paper version or a Product in electronic version.

They can also enter a promotional code if they have one.

Once the cart is complete and satisfactory, they can click on the "pay my order" button.

2.1.3. Identification

If they already have an account, the Buyer will then need to identify themselves to finalize their order.

They can log in to their personal account either by entering their email address and password in the fields provided for this purpose and clicking on the "Log In" button.

If they do not have an account, they will be invited to create one.

2.1.4. Contact Details and Payment

The Buyer will then verify/enter (and complete or correct if necessary) the billing address and the delivery address of the Product(s).

They will then choose their method(s) of payment.

To confirm their order and proceed with the payment, they must tick the box "I have read and expressly accept the General Terms and Conditions of Sale" then click on the "Confirm & Pay my order" button.

The buyer will be invited to enter their credit card numbers. It is during the payment that the order becomes final and that the contract is deemed formed. In cases where the Buyer has made a Reservation request, a simple bank authorization will be issued. The online payment will be effective and the order final only when the reservation is confirmed by the Service Provider concerned by email return.

For payments by check, the Buyer will receive an order confirmation by email as soon as they click on the "Confirm & Pay my order" button but the order will only become final and the contract deemed formed after receipt of the full payment and accompanying documents, including notably the printed order form.

2.1.5 Account Creation

If the Buyer did not previously have an account, they will then have the opportunity to create one by filling in the required fields.

If they do not wish to create an account, their details will still be retained as for any Buyer and for the same purposes and can be retrieved if they log in again on the Site to place an order.

2.2. By Phone

Products can be ordered by phone, at 06 63 70 36 25 (non-premium rate number) from Monday to Sunday from 8 am to 7 pm. Contractual information will be confirmed by email.

In any case, the professional Seller reserves the right to refuse any order for legitimate reasons, particularly in the case of suspicion of fraud or if the quantities of Products ordered are abnormally high for non-professional Buyers.

2.3. Fraud Prevention

As part of its fraud prevention policy, the Seller reserves the right, following any order placed on the Site, to request any supporting documents from the Buyer in order to validate their order.

In this case, the Buyer will receive an email before 12 noon informing them that their order is undergoing verification and will then be invited to provide the necessary supporting documents to validate.

Failure of the Buyer to respond to such a request within a period of 2 days following the request made by the Seller will automatically result in the cancellation of the concerned order, without any possibility of subsequent claim.

3. Prices

The professional Seller reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, while guaranteeing the application of the price in effect on the day of the order.

The company Vertical Aventure is subject to the VAT margin scheme referenced in article 242 nonies A 12° of annex II of the General Tax Code (CGI)

As a result, any documents that may be issued to the Buyer’s attention on the occasion of the delivery of the aforementioned products must not include any billed VAT.

4. Payment Terms and Methods

4.1 Payment of purchases is made according to the following methods, detailed on the Site:

  • Either by credit card (Carte Bleue, Visa Card, Eurocard/Mastercard). In case of purchasing the Product on the Site, or by phone the Client directly indicates in the designated areas or to the telephone advisor: the card number, its validity date as well as its control code located on the back of the card.
  • SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE reserves the right to suspend any order management and any delivery in case of non-payment or refusal of payment authorization by card from the officially accredited and usual internet organizations. The Site is equipped with a secure online payment system provided by PAYLINE allowing the consumer to encrypt the transmission of their banking data.
  • Either by check (French bank): made out to SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE. Dispatch or email delivery times for Products will be calculated from the date of check cashing. The check must be sent to the following address: SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE, 75 rue du lavoir 38570 TENCIN, with mandatory mention of the order number on the back of the check. In the absence of this number, the order may be canceled. In the latter case, the check will be returned to the issuer.
  • Either by SEPA Bank Transfer, the bank details are then indicated during the order
  • Either by ANCV holiday voucher electronic up to 50% of the total amount. ANCV Connect holiday vouchers are not refundable.
  • Either by paper holiday voucher, made out to SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE. Dispatch or email delivery times for Products will be calculated from the date of receipt of holiday vouchers. The shipment must be sent to the following address: SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE, 75 rue du lavoir 38570 TENCIN, with mandatory mention of the order number on the back of the voucher.

In case of non-payment, the Seller reserves the right to deactivate the Gift Voucher(s) of the Product(s) subject to the non-payment or the dated reservation subject to non-payment.

4.2 Sequence of payments:

  • Either a deposit of 30 to 50% will be required to confirm the reservation of an activity via an order or quote or invoice.
  • either the total order will be required to confirm the reservation of an activity via an order or quote or invoice. In the case of a deposit paid, the balance of the order or quote or invoice must be paid before the start of the outing.

5. Delivery


Products are issued in limited quantity due to limited hosting capacities and limited validity duration of the Products.

The offer of the Products is valid while stocks last and subject to the Usage Deadlines of the Products.

In case of

unavailability of the ordered Product, the Buyer will be informed as soon as possible and will have the option to cancel the order. In the event of an Activity with a Booking, the order and the payment authorization will be automatically canceled.

They will then have the choice to request:

  • Either a refund of the price paid no later than 14 days from the date the Buyer informed SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE of their decision to maintain the order,
  • Or an exchange for Products of equivalent features and price. A new order will be issued for the new Product as soon as the Buyer's choice is validated. This order will be processed as quickly as possible, the payment having already been validated.

In case of impossibility of exchange, SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE will proceed with the refund of the sums paid. The unavailability of the Product shall not engage the responsibility of SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE nor give rise to damages in favor of the Buyer.


Gift vouchers are only deliverable in electronic version.


Electronic version Products will be sent to the email address indicated during the ordering process, and it is up to the Buyer to print them.

Therefore, SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE cannot be held liable in any way whatsoever when the delay is attributable to the Buyer, i.e., in case of a typing error by the Buyer when placing the order.

6. Right of withdrawal

6.2. For gift vouchers for sports activities and for reservations of supervised sports activities

In accordance with article L 121-21-8 3° and 12) of the Consumer Code, sports activities and sports activity gift vouchers do not benefit from a right of withdrawal. https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F10485

7. Gift Vouchers

Vertical Aventure gift vouchers are valid for one year from the date of purchase for the specified activity. Vertical Aventure gift vouchers are not refundable.

7.1 Conditions and Modalities of exchange

The Buyer or the Beneficiary will have the opportunity to obtain a new SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE Product of an amount equal to or less than the exchanged one, among the products available in electronic version only, provided that the exchanged product is still valid.

They can also obtain a Product of a higher price, provided they pay the difference between the value of the exchanged Product and the value of the new Product requested.

The Buyer or the Beneficiary must contact the customer service at 0663703625 to proceed with the exchange.

In the case of an exchange, the ordered Product will be a Product in electronic version that will retain the validity date of the exchanged product.

7.2. Extension

The exchange does not allow for an extension of the validity date of a gift voucher. It is possible to extend the validity duration of a gift voucher for an additional year from the original expiration date provided that the extension fees are paid. The extension fees amount to 10 euros per gift voucher.

7.3. Withdrawal Rights

In accordance with article L 121-21-8 3° and 12) of the Consumer Code, sports activity gift vouchers do not benefit from a right of withdrawal. https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F10485

8. Terms of Use for SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE Products and Liability


Gift vouchers are valid for a single activity presented either in the activity booklet of the corresponding Product or on the Site www.vertical-aventure.com.

Products are valid until the Usage Deadline indicated on the Gift Voucher. After this date, the gift vouchers are no longer valid.


Vertical Aventure may ask the Beneficiary to send the Gift Voucher to confirm their reservation. Neither SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE nor the Beneficiary could be held responsible for the loss of the Gift Voucher.


Given the significant validity duration of the Products, the content of the activities and/or the list of services may be redefined after the edition of the site vertical-aventure.com, without the responsibility of SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE being invoked.

Thus, when booking a Service, it is the Beneficiary's responsibility to verify the precise content of the Service. Given the active role of the Beneficiary in terms of selecting the courses and choosing the desired date SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE cannot be held responsible for any unavailability on the chosen date including unavailability caused by a technical problem, high attendance, and unfavorable weather conditions. It is recommended to book as early as possible in order to benefit from a wide range of dates.


No cancellation or postponement of reservation will be accepted without the direct agreement of Vertical Aventure.


The Services do not include transportation to the selected meeting place nor the internet subscription in case of online Services.


For sports activities, an appointment time is systematically communicated regardless of the service. For the smooth running of the activities and out of respect for other participants, a delay of up to 20 minutes can be tolerated. Beyond this limit, the guide(s) will start the activity and no refund or compensation will be claimable for any services.


In case of non-use, loss, or destruction of the Gift Voucher, the Beneficiary cannot claim a refund. SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE reserves the right not to respond to claims from a Buyer and/or Beneficiary who would have acquired their Product outside the classic distribution network of SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE Products and notably directly from an individual.

8.8. Terms of Use for SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE Vouchers and Liability

Without prejudice to the provisions of article 8.1 of these General Terms:


You are responsible for all contents, data, images, photos, documents, or information of any nature that you exploit and/or implement on SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE Gift Vouchers.

You guarantee that the images or photos transferred do not infringe the rights of third parties. You also guarantee SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE against any recourse in claim and complaint of any nature, and notably demands for damages, that a third party could form on the grounds of the fraudulent use of any image or photo. You will thus assume all the consequences, particularly financial, resulting from the fraudulent use of the images or photos of any nature that you have transferred on your SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE Custom Box and notably indemnify SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE of all convictions and defense costs resulting from such claims in court filed by third parties.


You agree to use SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE Gift Vouchers in a responsible manner in full compliance with these Terms of Use as well as with applicable law and moral standards. Without exception, SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE Custom Gift Vouchers cannot be used for pornographic, illegal, defamatory purposes, or to harm the private or public life of anyone.


SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE is only bound by an obligation of means. The SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE website is made available to the user. In no case can SAS VERTICAL AVENT

URE be held responsible for technical or material errors related to the printing of the photo or image.


SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE is not responsible for failures regarding the paper rendering of the SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE Gift Voucher resulting from the user's use of unsuitable media, and notably without this list being exhaustive, the quality, format, weight of the image or photo used, for the printing of the SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE gift voucher.

9. Restrictions

9.1. Restrictions

The Beneficiary undertakes to read these restrictions carefully.

Some Services are only accessible according to certain health, age, weight, or competence conditions. These conditions are indicated for each Service on the Site www.vertical-aventure.com. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact us at 0663703625 (non-premium rate call) All activities offered cannot be practiced under the influence of alcohol. It is strictly forbidden to present yourself at our activities while intoxicated.

Vertical Aventure and its instructors involved in the supervision of the services reserve the right to refuse the requested service if the Beneficiary of the Product does not meet the required conditions.

Some Services are only accessible under certain conditions (Physical, meteorological, technical, or others). Vertical Aventure reserves the right to refuse the requested Service or to reschedule the reservation if the required conditions are not met.

Due to the nature of certain Services, the Beneficiary may be asked to sign a liability waiver or deposit a security check.

In all these cases, SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE cannot be held to compensate the Buyer/Beneficiary.

9.2. Warranty Exclusions

The Services do not include transportation to the meeting place at Vertical Aventure selected, nor the internet subscription in case of online Services.

The responsibility of SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE cannot be engaged in case of loss, theft, or return of the Gift Voucher occurred after the delivery of the product or any inability to practice certain activities, attributable to the Buyer and/or the Beneficiary.

10. Adherence to Appointment Times

In order to ensure the smooth running of activities and out of respect for other participants, it is essential to arrive on time. Participants are required to arrive at the meeting point 15 minutes before the scheduled start time of the activity. If you are more than 10 minutes late compared to the scheduled departure time, the excursion will start without delay, and no refunds or compensation will be provided. For all services, the amount paid at registration is considered a deposit and is non-refundable.

11. Caution Against Thefts in Car Parks

The parking lots at various activity locations are unsupervised and sometimes isolated in the mountains, which unfortunately can attract thieves. In order not to encourage thefts in your vehicles, plan not to bring valuable objects to leave in your vehicles, to the extent possible we will carry wallets (small) and mobile phones into the courses. The responsibility of Vertical Aventure cannot be engaged in case of thefts or damage in or to the vehicles in the parking lots of activities.

12. Cancellations / Modifications

12.1. Weather Conditions

If Vertical Aventure or one of its instructors considers that the weather makes the outing impossible, within our possibilities Vertical Aventure will propose a replacement program. The information provided on the progress of the service is not contractual since variability of the service is possible depending on weather conditions.

Unfavorable weather forecasts may be subject to cancellation by Vertical Aventure and its instructors, the day before the activity.

  • If a sum was paid for the reservation, you will be refunded in full, except for ANCV Connect holiday vouchers, no refund is possible, only a credit will be issued.

  • If gift vouchers or purchase vouchers were used for the reservation: they are not refundable, but you will be invited to find a rescheduled date.

12.2. Other Cancellation Conditions

12.2.1 Cancellation on the part of Vertical Aventure:

  • The services are subject to a minimum number of registrants, if the minimum number of registrants is not reached the service will be canceled.

Vertical Aventure and its instructor providers reserve the right to cancel the service(s) in case of force majeure or for reasons concerning the safety of participants, in which case no sum will be claimed from you, unless services have been consumed. Then, within our possibilities, Vertical Aventure will propose a replacement program.

The information provided on the progress of the service is not contractual. The case of force majeure is an event that is unforeseen, insurmountable, and independent of our will, irresistible (it does not allow the continuation of the execution of the contract) and unpredictable (it could not have been foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the reservation).

Example of a reason concerning safety:

  • Too high flow in a canyon, flood risks linked to the weather in speleology, storms in climbing, hang gliding, via ferrata, via corda.
  • Weather winds for paragliding and hang gliding

Example of case of force majeure:

  • Major road traffic problem that prevents us from reaching the meeting place (strike, accident, landslide, flood...).
  • Health problem of an instructor or one of his direct relatives preventing him from performing the service

In case of Payment by ANCV Connect holiday vouchers, no refund is possible, only a credit will be issued.

12.2.2 Cancellation on your part:

  1. Excluding gift boxes

In case of Payment by ANCV Connect holiday vouchers, no refund is possible, only a credit will be issued.

Cancellation fees: whatever the cancellation period and the cause, the cancellation fees (bank fees + service fees) will be calculated at 3.5% of the amount to be refunded, with a minimum of 7 euros.

In case of cancellation between the 21st and 8th day before the start of the service, if a deposit has been paid, the refund of this deposit cannot exceed 25% of the price of the service. If no deposit has been paid, 30% of the price of the service will be invoiced.

In case of cancellation between the 8th and 1 day before the start of the service, the total price of the service is due, if a deposit has been paid, the balance must be paid. In case of incapacity to perform the service, upon presentation of a medical certificate for sports activities, the sums paid (deposit or balance) will be kept but the outing may be rescheduled to a later date depending on the availability of each party. If no rescheduling date is possible, the sums paid (deposit or balance) will not be refunded.

In case of cancellation on the day of the service, for any reason whatsoever the total price of the service is due, and if a deposit has been paid, the balance must be paid.

In case of Payment by ANCV Connect holiday vouchers, no refund is possible, only a credit will be issued.

  1. Gift boxes (type smartbox and wonderbox etc ...):

In case of cancellation between the 8th and 1 day before the start of the service, the reserved gift vouchers

will be consumed and cannot be canceled except: in case of incapacity to perform the service, upon presentation of a medical certificate for the concerned sports activities, the outing may be rescheduled to a later date within the current year, depending on the availability of each party. If no rescheduling date is possible within the current year, the sums paid or the reserved gift vouchers will be consumed and cannot be canceled.

Without medical certificate between the 8th and 1 day before the start of the service, if you wish to modify a reservation (change of date) modification fees of 20 € per person will be charged, increased by any price differences if the chosen courses are different from the initially planned courses.

In case of cancellation on the day of the service, for any reason whatsoever the reserved gift vouchers will be consumed and cannot be canceled or postponed to a later date.

13. Insurance

The SASU Vertical Aventure is under the contract RC 2022 MAIF Sociétaire n° 4436774 Contract n° AME0001376

For All Activities, SARL Vertical Aventure employs instructors / providers covered by professional liability insurance. The “Professional Liability Insurance” guarantees material, immaterial, or bodily damage caused to third parties due to errors, faults, or negligence.

We recommend subscribing to individual accident insurance in case of an accident without civil liability engaged by the provider for the booked activity, below are 2 possible insurers as an example:



All sports except Free Flight and Speleology: SPORT MULTI-SPORT

14. Non-conformity

14.1. Non-conformity of Products in electronic version

After receiving the Product in electronic version by email, it is recommended to the Buyer to check the nature of the electronic ticket and to formulate any reservations in case of error.

Reservations must be presented by e-mail via the contact form; or by phone at 06 63 70 36 25 (non-premium rate number) from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 7 pm excluding public holidays, as soon as possible.

Any reservation not made according to the rules defined above cannot be taken into account and will release SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE from any liability towards the Buyer.

The Parties agree that the Seller's warranty is strictly limited to the replacement or refund of the purchase price of the Product in electronic version recognized as non-conforming by the Seller.

In any event, the Seller cannot be held liable to compensate the Buyer for any damages, whatever they may be, resulting from replacements and refunds made.

15. Force Majeure

The obligations contained herein will not apply or will be suspended by operation of law and without compensation if their execution has become impossible due to a case of force majeure or a fortuitous event as defined by case law or for any reason attributable to the Buyer, the Beneficiary, or the Partner.

Each Party must inform its co-contractor by all means and as soon as possible in the event of the occurrence of a force majeure event preventing it from performing all or part of its contractual obligations.

The Parties must make every effort to prevent or reduce the effects of non-performance of the contract caused by a force majeure event; the Party wishing to invoke a force majeure event must notify the other Party without delay of the start and, if applicable, the end of this event, otherwise, it cannot be discharged from its liability.

16. Data Protection

The collection of personal data, their use for the purpose of processing orders and creating customer files is subject to the consent of the person concerned.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, the Buyer/Beneficiary has an individual right of access, withdrawal, correction, and deletion of their personal data. The Buyer/Beneficiary can exercise this right by writing to SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE, 75 rue du lavoir, 38570 TENCIN, indicating their name, first name, and address as well as the object of the request.

The information relating to the collection of personal data is fully accessible in the section "Privacy Policy" (below).

17. Intellectual Property Rights

The elements reproduced (including, the trademarks and all illustrations, images and logos, photographs) on the site www.vertical-aventure.com, which are the exclusive property of the Seller, are protected by copyright, trademark law, and patent law. Any total or partial reproduction, modification, or use of these trademarks, illustrations, images, and logos, for whatever reason and on whatever medium, without express and prior agreement of the Seller, is strictly prohibited. The same applies to any combination or conjunction with any other mark, symbol, logo and more generally any distinctive sign intended to form a composite logo. The same applies to any copyright, design, model, and patent that are the property of the Seller.

18. Complaint - Mediation - Dispute


In the event of a dispute between the Client and the company, they will endeavor to resolve it amicably (the Client will send a written complaint to the professional or, where applicable, to the Professional Customer Relations Service). In the absence of an amicable agreement or in the absence of a response from the professional within a reasonable period of one (1) month, the consumer client within the meaning of Article L.133-4 of the Consumer Code has the possibility to refer the matter free of charge, if a disagreement persists, to the competent mediator listed on the list of mediators established by the Evaluation and Control Commission of Consumer Mediation in application of Article L.615-1 of the Consumer Code, namely: The Professional Mediation Society www.mediateur-consommation-smp.fr 24 rue Albert de Mun - 33000 Bordeaux

19. Souvenir Photos (free)

As a provider of guided activities, Vertical Aventure wishes to offer a unique experience to its clients, and this includes the possibility of capturing memories through photos taken by the guides during the client's service.

The photos are offered and therefore are not included in the price of the service.

However, Vertical Aventure emphasizes that the absolute priority of the guides is the safety and well-being of all participants. During the activity, they will remain fully engaged in their role as a guide, ensuring that the group evolves in the best possible conditions, while guaranteeing the smooth running of the experience.

Consequently, Vertical Aventure wishes

to inform its clients that although the company offers these photos as an additional service, it cannot guarantee the quality or quantity of the shots taken by the guides. The very nature of the activities can make capturing certain images difficult, and external conditions may also affect the visual quality.

Vertical Aventure and the guides will do their best to provide photos that reflect the spirit of the activity and capture the key moments, but they cannot be held responsible if some photos do not fully meet the artistic or aesthetic expectations of the client.

20. Carpooling Option (free)

Vertical Aventure provides the contacts (Name - first name and phone) of people interested in carpooling to a common destination, without any commission or remuneration from Vertical Aventure. The carpooling option is optional and free. The responsibility of Vertical Aventure cannot therefore be engaged for any problems related to carpooling.

When a client ticks the free non-compulsory "carpooling" option when registering for an outing, the name, phone, and departure city of the people wishing to carpool are displayed in their client space. It is up to the Client to contact or not the other potential carpoolers to organize their trip.

Drivers and passengers who register are autonomous and responsible in case of a problem or accident. We therefore rely on drivers and passengers to act with respect and kindness. In the event that a driver or passenger has to modify their route at the last minute, please think of notifying the carpoolers.

B. Legal Information

Privacy Policy

The company SARL Verlical Aventure (trade name Vertical Aventure) is concerned about the personal data that may be collected on the site www.vertical-aventure.com. It ensures and commits that they are collected in compliance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 amended by the law of August 6, 2004. DATA CONTROLLER

Personal data is collected by: SAS Vertical Aventure, trading as VERTICAL AVENTURE, with its registered office at

SARL Vertical Aventure with a capital of 3000 euros 793354986 RCS GRENOBLE

Youth and Sports Establishment No. 03813ET0239 National Education Agreement No. EPSESC06061600033

Manager: BLANCHARD Mathieu

Insurer: ALLIANZ


VERTICAL AVENTURE may collect the following data:

  • Name, first name
  • Postal address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Date of birth
  • IP address
  • Connection and navigation data
  • Order history
  • Consulted products

The mandatory or optional nature of the data is indicated during the collection by an asterisk. Some data is collected automatically due to your actions on the site. PURPOSE OF DATA COLLECTION

VERTICAL AVENTURE collects your personal data for the purpose of:

  • Opening your customer account;
  • Allow follow-up in case of exchange/extension or claim;
  • Follow your orders;
  • Send you newsletters from our company if you accept;
  • Manage exchanges/extensions of Gift Vouchers Gift/Activities SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE;
  • Personalize offers that are proposed to you;
  • Conduct surveys for statistical purposes;
  • Collect your consumer opinion;
  • Measure audience, the number of pages viewed, or the number of visits to the site;
  • Fight against fraud.

VERTICAL AVENTURE undertakes not to use the information for purposes other than those mentioned above. RECIPIENTS OF PERSONAL DATA

Data collected on the site www.vertical-aventure.com are intended exclusively for VERTICAL AVENTURE SAS

However, if you agree, they can also be transmitted to our partners offering offers likely to correspond to what you are looking for.


Your data may be collected when:

  • you create your customer account "Your Personal Space";
  • you place an order on our site;
  • you participate in a game or contest;
  • you browse our site and consult Products;
  • you contact our customer service;
  • you write a comment.


Your personal data will be automatically deleted:

  • Within a period of one (1) year following the last contact we had with you;
  • Automatically after two solicitations on our part remained without response.



When you visit our site www.vertical-aventure.com, cookies are placed on your computer, your mobile, or your tablet. Our site is designed to be attentive to the needs and expectations of our customers. This is one of the reasons why we use cookies, for example, to identify you and access your account. This page allows you to better understand how cookies work and how to set them.


A cookie is a text file placed on your computer when visiting a site or viewing an advertisement. Its purpose is to collect information relating to your navigation and to send you services adapted to your device (computer, mobile, or tablet). Cookies are managed by your internet browser.


Cookies from www.vertical-aventure.com: these are cookies placed by www.vertical-aventure.com on your device to meet navigation needs, optimization, and personalization of services on our site.

They can be placed when you navigate on our site or when you click in the advertising spaces of our site. As part of a partnership, we ensure that partner companies strictly comply with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 amended and undertake to implement appropriate measures to secure and protect the confidentiality of data.


You can choose to disable these cookies at any time. Your browser can also be set to notify you of the cookies that are placed on your computer and ask you to accept them or not.

You can accept or refuse cookies on a case-by-case basis or refuse them systematically.

We remind you that the setting may modify your conditions of access to our content and services requiring the use of cookies. If your browser is set to refuse all cookies, you will not be able to enjoy part of our services. To manage cookies as closely as possible to your expectations, we invite you to set your browser taking into account the purpose of cookies.

Internet Explorer In Internet Explorer, click on the Tools button, then on Internet Options. Under the General tab, under Browsing History, click Settings. Click the View Files button.

Firefox Go to the Tools tab of the browser then select the Options menu In the window that appears, choose Privacy and click on Show Cookies.

Safari In your browser, choose the Edit menu > Preferences. Click on Security. Click on Show Cookies.

Google Chrome Click on the Tools menu icon. Select Options. Click on the Advanced Options tab and go to the Privacy section. Click the Show Cookies button. HYPERTEXT LINKS

The site www.vertical-aventure.com may contain certain links to other sites whose content is beyond our control and not covered by this privacy policy. We are not responsible for the content of the sites thus presented, nor for the way in which your personal data will be collected and used. SECURITY OF PERSONAL DATA

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have

put in place physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

For payment needs, bank details are collected by OGONE®, our payment provider, who will be solely responsible for collecting and storing the data. RIGHTS OVER YOUR PERSONAL DATA

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 amended by the law of August 6, 2004, you have a right of access, correction, and opposition to personal data concerning you.

Indeed, at any time, during your navigation on our site, you can access your personal data via your customer space, rectify your data if your situation has changed, or still, oppose us collecting your data for prospecting purposes.

On the other hand, certain data are essential for the processing of your order. In the absence of the collection of this data, we will not be able to proceed with your order.

Finally, at any time, you can also ask us to delete all your personal data.

You just need to send us your request by mail to the following address:

SAS VERTICAL AVENTURE / customer service 75, rue du lavoir 38570 TENCIN

indicating your name, first name, e-mail, address.

In accordance with current regulations, your request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing your signature and specify the address to which the reply must be sent to you. A response will then be sent to you within a period of 2 months following receipt of the request MODIFICATION OF OUR PRIVACY POLICY

We reserve the right to modify our privacy policy at any time. We will signal the changes by updating the date at the header of our privacy policy. We invite you to visit this page regularly.

If any section was left out or if there are any other specific adjustments you'd like, feel free to let me know!