A selection of all the answers to the questions you can ask, from the most frequent questions about our activities canyoning, climbing, via ferrata, via corda, via cordata, canyoning, rates, places of appointment, price of payment accepted. ..


Three options are available to you:

  • You can sign up for one of our outings with no minimum number of participants.

You can sign up for one of our confirmed outings to join an existing group. The number of available spots is displayed on the website.

If the dates do not suit your availability, we can pre-register you and open a new outing online. It will be confirmed once the minimum number of participants is reached. To do so, please fill out the contact form, we will contact you once the outing is confirmed to arrange for the deposit.

Yes, otherwise there is no guarantee that there will be places available.

Yes, when your order is validated, we ask for a deposit.

The payment of the deposit is made from your customer space in the "Deposit/Invoice" section.


It is possible to pay all or part of the service by credit card before the service through secure online payment.

On activity websites only: checks, cash in this case, bring exact change, ANCV holiday vouchers, and ANCV sports coupons.

Appointment times and locations

Pour les activités sportives une heure de rendez-vou et un point gps google Map est systématiquement communiqués par mail ou par sms quelque soit la prestation.

Pour le bon déroulement des activités et par respect envers les autres participants, nous tolérons un retard de 20 minutes maximum. Au-delà de ce délai, le(s) guide(s) part(ent) en activité et aucun remboursement ou indemnité ne sera exigible. Pour toutes prestations, la somme réglée à l'inscription est versée à titre d'arrhes et ne peut être remboursée.

No. You have an appointment directly on site with the instructor. The meeting time and location are communicated to you by email upon registration, as well as on your client account.


Depending on the origin of the people in a group, it is often possible to organize by car sharing.

Vertical Aventure provides contacts (Last name - First name and phone number) of people interested in carpooling to a common destination, without any commission or remuneration from Vertical Aventure. The carpooling option is optional and free. Therefore, Vertical Aventure cannot be held responsible for any problems related to carpooling.

When a customer checks the optional and free "carpooling" option when registering for an outing, the names, phone numbers, and departure city of people wishing to carpool are displayed in their customer area. It is up to the Customer to contact the other potential carpoolers to organize their trip.

Drivers and passengers who sign up are autonomous and responsible in case of problems or accidents. We therefore rely on drivers and passengers to act with respect and kindness. In the event that a driver or passenger needs to change their route at the last minute, please remember to notify the carpoolers.


The SASU Vertical Aventure is insured under the RC 2022 MAIF Sociétaire contract No. 4436774 Policy No. AME0001376.

For all activities, SARL Vertical Aventure employs instructors/providers covered by professional liability insurance. Professional Liability Insurance guarantees material, immaterial, or bodily damages caused to third parties due to errors, faults, or negligence.

In the event of an accident where the liability of the provider is not engaged, we recommend that you take out an individual accident insurance for the reserved activity. Below are 1 possible insurer as example:

For all sports except Free Flight and except Speleology:


Yes, if the monitor considers that the weather makes the exit impossible, you will be refunded in full the part paid for the reservation.

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